Media Pack

Welcome to the Native Science CBD Media Pack, your comprehensive guide to advertising opportunities and key information about our online magazine. This pack provides valuable insights into our audience, content offerings, and advertising options, helping you make informed decisions to maximize your brand’s exposure and reach.

About Native Science CBD:

Native Science CBD is a leading online magazine dedicated to exploring the profound benefits of CBD from a native perspective. We celebrate the deep connection between indigenous wisdom and the healing properties of CBD, blending traditional practices with modern science to provide a holistic understanding of this remarkable plant compound. Our platform serves as a trusted resource for CBD enthusiasts, health professionals, and individuals seeking to explore the intersection of culture, nature, and wellness.

Audience Demographics:

Our audience consists of individuals who are passionate about CBD, health-conscious consumers, and those interested in exploring the cultural and historical significance of CBD within indigenous communities. Here are some key demographic insights:

  • Age Range: Primarily 25-45 years old
  • Gender: Approximately 60% female, 40% male
  • Geographical Reach: Global audience with a significant presence in North America, Europe, and Australia
  • Interests: CBD, holistic health, natural remedies, indigenous cultures, sustainable living, wellness, and alternative therapies

Advertising Options:

  1. Sponsored Articles: Collaborate with our experienced team of writers to create informative and engaging sponsored articles that align with our content themes. Benefit from increased brand visibility, thought leadership, and access to our highly engaged audience.
  2. Featured Interviews: Showcase your brand’s expertise through featured interviews. Our team will craft compelling questions to highlight your unique insights and perspectives, strengthening your brand authority and generating interest among our readers.
  3. Banner Ads: Display visually appealing banner ads on our website, strategically positioned to capture the attention of our readers. Benefit from prime ad placements and drive traffic to your website or landing page.
  4. Sponsored Social Media Posts: Leverage the power of our social media platforms to extend your brand’s reach. Our team will create engaging sponsored posts that effectively communicate your message and generate audience engagement.

Customized Advertising Solutions:

We understand that each brand has specific objectives and requirements. If you have unique advertising needs or ideas beyond the options mentioned above, we are open to discussing customized solutions. Our dedicated team will collaborate with you to develop a tailored advertising strategy that effectively meets your goals.

Media Pack and Pricing:

For detailed information on our advertising options, pricing packages, and available placements, please request our Media Pack by contacting our advertising team at [email protected] Our Media Pack provides a comprehensive overview of our advertising opportunities, audience insights, and key statistics to help you make an informed decision.

Contact Us:

Ready to take the next step and advertise with Native Science CBD? For inquiries, reservations, or to request our Media Pack, please reach out to our advertising team at [email protected] We are excited to partner with you and create a successful advertising campaign that aligns with your brand vision and objectives.

Join us at Native Science CBD and connect with our passionate audience, celebrating the profound benefits of CBD from a native perspective. Together, let’s inspire, educate, and empower individuals to embrace the healing power of CBD and honor the wisdom of indigenous cultures.